Health education you can put into practice.
Stay up to date with advancements and enhance your competency in healthcare by taking our professional development programs.
Experts have designed these online and on-campus programs to reflect the latest research and developments in healthcare topics that are often required for continuing education credits (CECs) or continuing education units (CEUs).
These professional development opportunities are well suited for health and helping professionals, licensed practical nurses and registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dentists and doctors.
Micro-credential programs
Micro-credentials are an excellent way to get specialized training and expand your knowledge and skill set in a short amount of time. We offer the following diverse and flexible programs:
Current Concepts in Dentistry
Current Concepts in Dentistry is one of the foremost programs in the field of dental continuing education. Each year, the program invites guest lecturers who are outstanding leaders in their fields of expertise. The sessions focus on current issues and advances in the field of dentistry. This ADA CERP-recognized program provides the opportunity to learn from four outstanding lecturers and earn up to seven CE credits per day (28 credits over four days).
Fall Prevention Programs
Preventing fall-related injuries is an area of care that can have a massive impact on quality of life in our communities and make the best use of the time and effort of health professionals.
For practitioners who work with older adults and person with disabilities, we have
To learn more about the differences between these programs, view a comparison chart.
PROGRAM | Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL) | Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum |
CREDENTIAL | Micro-certificate | Micro-certificate |
DELIVERY STYLE | Online | Online |
START DATES | ongoing | ongoing |
BEST SUITED FOR | Home health care aides, community health workers, home support and personal support workers, home care providers, certified personal care givers, community support workers, or those in similar positions who provide health care and/or social support services for older adults and individuals with disabilities living in their homes. | Registered nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, kinesiologists, long term care and community centre managers, and others working with older adults in any setting, who want to develop a fall prevention program for their organization. |
MORE DETAILS | View Program | View Program |
Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector
Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector is for anyone who works or volunteers in the homelessness serving sector or is seeking work in the sector. This program supports the development of knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for work in the homelessness serving sector. This flexible, accessible program includes six self-paced online courses that can be done in any order.
Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards
Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards provides knowledge and skills for working professionals interested in learning about standards for health terminologies, health data sharing and interoperability. A background or experience in the fields of health or information technology would be an asset.
Palliative Care Pharmacy
Palliative Care Pharmacy is designed for pharmacists in hospital and community-based settings looking to acquire specialized knowledge and skills to support patients, families and other professionals in delivering palliative care. This program is accredited by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP).
Wound Management
Wound care is one of the fastest growing areas in health care today. We offer three different wound care options:
- Wound Management for Health Professionals (Level I and II)
- Wound Care for Clients Experiencing Inequities
- High-Risk Foot courses (Level I and II)
To learn more about the differences between our wound programs, see our article: Which wound program is right for you?
- An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Building Harmony: An Approach to Conflict Management in Healthcare Settings
- Building Resiliency for Families of Trauma Exposed Workers
- Controlled Terminology Standards
- Decolonization and Cultural Safety
- Facing Human Wrongs: Climate Complexity and Relational Accountability
- Facing Human Wrongs: Unsettling Wellness
- Facing Human Wrongs: Leading in the Metacrisis
- Field Project in Health Informatics
- Gender and Sexuality
- Health Information Exchange Standards
- Health Information Standards
- High-Risk Foot, Level I
- High-Risk Foot, Level II
- Homelessness and Housing First Principles
- Mental Health and Substance Use
- Person-centred Procedures
- Supporting Others, Caring for Self
- Wound Management for Health Professionals Level I
- Wound Management for Health Professionals Level II

Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum
This program is designed for those who are working with older adults in long-term, acute and home care, and who have an interest in creating fall prevention plans. Learn about fall risk assessment and prevention, universal fall precautions, as well as fresh approaches to successful and sustainable interventions.
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Current Concepts in Dentistry
Current Concepts in Dentistry is one of the foremost programs in the field of dental continuing education (CE). This ADA CERP-recognized program is a great opportunity to learn from four outstanding instructors, earn up to seven CE credits per day (28 credits over four days), and best of all: spend an extended weekend in the beautiful city of Victoria.
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Emergency Management for Organizational Continuity
This four-course micro-credential program focuses on: Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Response and Business Continuity. Plan for and maintain business continuity in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster, pandemic, conflict or cyber-attack.
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Environmental and Occupational Health
Gain a competitive edge in the workforce with our occupational health and safety training program, which incorporates a progressive environmental component. Available 100% online—learn from anywhere.
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Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector
If you provide support to people who are experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of homelessness, the new Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector micro-credential program is for you. You will enhance your knowledge and gain the skills and competencies necessary for paid or volunteer roles in the sector.
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Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards
The Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards micro-certificate is a one-year, part-time, online and non-credit program. After graduation of the program, you will be eligible for the Canadian College of Health Information Management Certified Terminology Standards Specialist (CTSS) credential.
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Organizational Preparedness and Adaptability
A six-week online program to help you become more proactive, rather than reactive, and to prepare your organization to withstand any crisis.
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Palliative Care Pharmacy
This online program enables pharmacists to acquire the specialized knowledge to support palliative care patients and their families, as well as other members of the interprofessional team, in pain and symptom management, adverse events, deprescribing, use of opioids, and cancer-associated thrombosis.
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Population Health Data Analysis
The online Population Health Data Analysis program is designed for those who are seeking education and professional development in advanced population health analysis. The goal of the program is to provide participants with strong foundational knowledge and data analysis skills that can support their work within the field of population health.
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Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL)
The Strategies and Actions for Independent Living micro-certificate provides specialized training in fall prevention to broaden the skill set of home care aides and recognize their crucial role in improving their clients' quality of life.
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Wound Care for Clients Experiencing Inequities
Learn to apply the latest best practices in wound management in a context of harm reduction and trauma-informed care for clients experiencing systemic inequities, including individuals living in unstable housing, facing socioeconomic challenges or using substances.
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Wound Management for Health Professionals
Wound care is one of the fastest growing areas in health care today. This online program for health care professionals combines the most current evidence and trends in wound care to prepare participants to act as Wound Champions.
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Continuing Studies offers courses in epidemiology and health data analysis, such as the Epidemiological Statistics course, as part of the Population Health Data Analysis program. These courses equip students with skills to analyze health data, uncover trends, and address societal health challenges through advanced methodological tools and techniques.
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Dawn Schell, a counsellor and educator, helps individuals understand stress, build resilience, and find joy through mindfulness, personalized strategies, and appreciating life’s simple moments.
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The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging gathers extensive health data to understand aging. Enroll in this course to learn advanced analysis skills for impactful health insights.
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Just like a kid in a candy store, Stasha deLure can't get enough of learning. "It brings me back to that childlike curiosity and creativity. Learning motivates me to reach for more success," she says. For Stasha, knowledge creates personal empowerment and is a chance to prove to herself what she is capable of accomplishing.
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In 2023, we launched a new course to give you even more options for expanding your wound management skills. This feature will acquaint you with the range of courses available.
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'Wound Care for Clients Experiencing Inequities' program looks to provide safe care, support to paramedics, nurses, and others providing support to patients facing health and social inequities in B.C.
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Pharmacists are key members of multi-disciplinary teams delivering palliative care to people facing life-limiting illness. As more people wish to age and die at home, pharmacists are increasingly called upon to contribute expertise in palliative care pharmacy outside of institutional settings.
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To learn more about the Professional Certificate in Health Terminology Standards, we invite you to join us for a half hour information session via Zoom.
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Our capacity to create a positive future is created through the quality of our inner thoughts. How we see, think and feel about the world around us directly influences the decisions we make on a day to day basis.
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By knowing more about how loneliness is associated with health conditions and morbidity, further work can be done to address questions of concern for both patients and the practitioners who serve them.
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We recently had the opportunity to have a conversation with Sonia More, instructor in the Environmental and Occupational Health certificate program to discuss her professions and interests.
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Crisis communication has perhaps never been more of an in-demand skill than it has in the last couple of years. The pandemic has revealed many examples of people who have communicated well during crisis, as well as several examples of those who haven’t.
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This program is a real confidence boost. It helps shake out your lack of awareness and where your blind spots are.
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How many times have you turned to a map to find the closest park, best restaurant or most desirable housing development? Whenever we use a map in this way, we are essentially analyzing its contents to help us make a decision.
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Ten years ago, the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health began recruiting Canadian citizens to participate in what is now one of Canada’s largest population health studies. Today more than 330,000 citizens between the ages of 30 and 74 are voluntarily sharing their detailed health and lifestyle information over several decades.
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UVic's Division of Continuing Studies' Wound Management program moves into its second decade in 2021, with the launch of an extensively revised curriculum in Wound Management for Health Professionals Level II, following on the update last year of the Level I course.
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By: Vicky Scott, RN, PhD, Clinical Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
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Health Canada’s COVID-19 epidemiology updates provide vital information on how Canada is managing the epidemic on both a federal and provincial level.
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Well before the COVID-19 pandemic stretched every health care organization on the globe, health service planners were looking to “task-shifting” to make the best use of staff resources. Broad professional development equips health workers to take on new roles during a crisis, or when local conditions warrant.
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Never before has this much data been at the fingertips of epidemiology and geography. This article gives a quick survey of three interesting ways COVID-19 is being dealt with in an epidemiological and geographic context.
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The ability to use GIS and epidemiology to address emerging population health issues in our society are key components of the Population Health Data Analysis (PHDA) program.
Read StoryWound Management instructor Misty Stephens shares career advice, explains how she became a specialist wound care nurse only after her first career as a professional ballerina, and reveals the superpower she'd like to have.
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Wound Management for Health Professionals Level I celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2020 with an extensively revised curriculum, launching early this year. The updated course reflects the evolution in healthcare practice in recent years, and brings the course into full alignment with new standards set out by provincial and national wound care organizations.
Read StoryOn Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019 we lost one of our key stakeholders, Dr. Ashok Bhardwaj, founder of the annual Current Concepts in Dentistry program, practitioner, visionary, collaborator. On Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019 we lost one of our key stakeholders, Dr. Ashok Bhardwaj. Born and raised in India, Dr.
Read StoryBy Jason McInnis, an instructor in our Environmental and Occupational Health Program "Both ancient and modern societies have been slow to recognize and control the health hazards associated with work." – R.S.
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By Misty Stephens, Wound Management for Health Professionals Instructor Our health care system is over capacitated and financially over burdened with chronic lower leg complications...
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with student Rena Hayes By Therese Eley, Marketing Services "A good education is the key that will open many doors to a good career and a bright future.
Read StoryData now fuels decision-making in almost every sector of our society. As a result, interest in data-intensive science is growing rapidly as opportunities to explore this expanding resource source abound.
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The University of Victoria is proud to have commemorated the 20th anniversary of Current Concepts in Dentistry, an annual dental continuing education program designed to assist dental professionals in maintaining currency of knowledge and skills of their profession.
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Rasha earned her Certificate of Completion in the Wound Level II course in the spring of 2018. She currently resides in Calgary, AB. Please share a little about yourself. Where do you live? What’s your profession?
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Dezi Grant earned her Certificate of Completion in the Wound Level II course in the Spring of 2018. She resides in Edmonton, Alberta. Please share a little about yourself. Where do you live? What do you currently do for work?
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The Professional Specialization Certificate in Population Health Data Analysis will give you the skills and knowledge you need to get ahead in your career. Complete four courses to earn a certificate conferred by the University of Victoria or take up to two courses for professional development.
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Interview with Donna Saworski, Graduate, Environmental and Occupational Health Certificate What is your current position? My title is HR Specialist – Occupational Health and Safety.
Read StoryFind out what is happening with our Wound Management for Health Professionals Program. We welcome a new instructor, catch up with a seasoned instructor, and list upcoming Wound Care conferences.
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One of the brightest smiles and bubbliest personalities in our office belongs to Laura Vizina, our Director of Health Sciences and Public Relations Programs.
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Anita Lynn Jessop (née Fournier) June 15, 1953 – June 16, 2017 It is with a heavy heart that we mark the passing of one of our own, Anita Jessop.
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Last week, we lost one of our most passionate, long-time instructors, Noreen Campbell. Throughout the decades, Noreen was an inspirational educator and leader in continuing professional education.
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Throughout our lives, many of us could say we’ve participated in formal and informal learning settings. Community enrichment, mindful practices and professional development opportunities touch us at different times in our lives. At the Division of Continuing Studies, we focus on the learner experience by creating diverse opportunities.
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