Red apple with a bite taken out of it


Bite-sized professional learning opportunities

When you need to respond to a quickly changing job market or get back into the workforce, micro-credentials offer a fast and flexible way to upskill or reskill and remain competitive in your industry.

Micro-credential programming allows learners to gain specialized career-developing skills that meet the needs of employers. They can also offer entry pathways to longer credentialed programs or provide ongoing professional development for strategic alignment with current industry standards. 

With almost 50 micro-credential programs to choose from, we’ll help you get to where you need to be—and quickly!

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Digital credentials

Woman in an office area looking at a tablet screen, smiling and cheering because she has good news.

Elevate your professional profile with our digital credentials. These modern, shareable certificates validate your achievements and skills, making it easier than ever to stand out to employers. Ready to showcase your expertise in a digital age? Discover how our digital credentials can propel your career forward today!

Micro-credentials offered in various fields:

Business &
Communication &
Public Relations
Data, Computing
& Technology
Health, Wellness
& Safety
Museums, Heritage &
Indigenous Culture
Humanities, Social
Sciences & Law
Science & the
Teaching, Learning
& Development
  • Girl in dark shirt, jeans and tennis shoes running in an empty blue-coloured, virtual space and wearing a VR headset.

    3D Graphics and Rendering Essentials for Video Games (3DGR)

    Build on your existing understanding of computer science and gain the fundamental skillset required to develop and manipulate advanced, interactive 3D images used across the creative technology sector, including video game and extended reality application design and development.

  • A hand beneath a sketched rocket ship taking off against a light blue background.

    Applied AI for Administration

    This micro-credential introduces and focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) in administrative applications with specific emphasis on how to use it, when to use it, and how to critically assess results. 

  • Old and new office technology

    Administrative Technology

    This micro-credential equips learners with the critical skills sought by employers to succeed in a computerized office—from software and database management to data analytics skills, cloud-based applications, digital communication and more. 

  • Photo of a backyard garden

    Amateur Landscape and Garden Design

    This micro-credential program will help you master landscape and garden design skills in just 16 weeks. You’ll gain the hands-on knowledge and practice you need to create the yard and garden of your dreams.

  • Photo of birds flying in arrow formation

    Business Communication

    This versatile program provides practical information and easily applied strategies to help you become a confident communicator in any industry. With a focus on developing self-assurance, you’ll learn to foster trust, provide clarity and direction, create better relationships and promote team building as you go places in your career.

  • Close up of calculator and printed graphs.

    Business Finance

    The Micro-certificate in Business Finance is a comprehensive program that provides a solid foundation in accounting principles, finance and investing. Develop essential skills for success in business, administration and entrepreneurship, while gaining the knowledge to make smart financial decisions to reach your business goals.

  • Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA)

    If you are a recent graduate or career professional looking to add relevant and highly marketable skills to your resume or toolkit, these NEW business intelligence and data analytics courses could be just what you need to get the competitive edge in this in-demand field.

  • Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum

    Those working with older adults in long-term, acute and home care will acquire the knowledge and skills to apply an evidence-based approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries. Learn how to design, implement and evaluate a fall prevention program.

  • a lone resilient tree thriving on a rocky outcropping overlooking the sea on a sunny day

    Change Resilience in the Workplace

    This program will equip professional leaders to proactively drive and adapt to strategic transformations within diverse business environments. Through a combination of theoretical understanding and practical application, students develop competencies in change management, leadership and project management.

  • Illustration of a compas pointing to various sustainability issues.

    Climate Action Planning

    The Climate Action Planning micro-credential (CAP) is a great opportunity to learn the foundations of planning for climate action. You will develop the skills needed for you as a professional to put into action at all government levels.

  • Multi-coloured line drawings of a green tree, blue grasping hands, yellow light bulb and red house converging into a arrow pointing in one direction

    Climate Activism

    The Climate Activism program provides climate activists with the skills and knowledge to build practices for organizing transformational change.

  • Collections Management

    Within every object is a story, waiting to be unlocked. Preserving and unlocking the secrets within the cultural production of diverse communities, and sharing their stories with others is what makes history relevant today. This program gives you the skills you need to develop, manage and bring meaning to cultural collections.

  • Butterfly made out of water emerging from a lake

    Crisis Communication for Public Relations Professionals

    In a time characterized by 24-hour news cycles and unparalleled interconnectivity, preserving reputations has become more crucial than ever. This micro-certificate is designed for communicators seeking to enhance their skills by providing them with the expertise to develop, implement and assess robust crisis communication plans.

  • Illustrations of balls travelling on waves.

    Designing Learning for a Changing Workplace

    The workplace is always evolving like a constant wave, but you have the power to remain steady and not get swept away by constant change. The Micro-certificate in Designing Learning for a Changing Workplace is your opportunity to ride the wave of change and learn how to effectively adapt to it.

  • Designing Learning in a Hybrid Workplace

    Designing Learning in a Hybrid Workplace

    The workplace is changing, and many businesses are realizing the future of work is hybrid. Training employees in this new environment requires a new set of skills. In this online micro-credential program, you will gain the necessary skills to effectively design and deliver training for a hybrid workplace through a series of three short, self-paced and stackable courses.

  • Current Concepts in Dentistry

    Digital Planning for the Cultural Sector

    Digital Planning for the Cultural Sector provides just-in-time training for professionals in the museum, heritage and cultural sector to develop the critical competencies and skills needed to make informed decisions around the future of digital technologies for cultural organizations.

  • Ecological Restoration

    This non-credit certificate provides advanced ecology training for professionals working in landscape architecture, landscape design and management, forestry, agrology, biology, mining, ecological restoration or environmental practice. The courses will prepare you to conduct site assessments and restoration projects with special attention to the unique challenges presented by altered environments.

  • Emergency Management for Organizational Continuity

    Continuity during a crisis requires thinking three moves ahead. The new Emergency Management for Organizational Continuity program equips learners with the knowledge and skills needed to plan for and maintain business continuity in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster, pandemic, conflict or cyber-attack.

  • Hands holding lightbulb

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    This program empowers employers and employees to drive positive change by fostering equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplaces. Participants will learn about intercultural communication, systemic barriers and talent acquisition to transform work environments and promote collaboration.

  • Essential Soft Skills Training

    The Essential Soft Skills Training (ESST) micro-credential is a new five-week, part-time, instructor-led online program that will build learners’ competencies in critical soft skills: organizational skills, communication skills, critical thinking, and team-building.

  • Student crouching down in a dry forest area taking samples and working on a laptop.

    Fire Ecology for Environmental Restoration

    The Fire Ecology for Environmental Restoration program equips learners with practical knowledge to understand and treat the effects of fire on natural ecosystems.

  • a close up photo of two people holding hands on a table

    Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector (FHSS)

    If you provide support to people who are experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of homelessness, the new Fundamentals for the Homelessness Serving Sector micro-credential program is for you. You will enhance your knowledge and gain the skills and competencies necessary for paid or volunteer roles in the sector.

  • Graphic design of red and white stripped lighthouse with the word

    Fundamental Leadership Skills

    This program is designed to equip emerging leaders with the essential skills and knowledge to lead effectively in today’s dynamic environments. Explore foundational leadership theories, develop practical skills for leading teams, and learn to navigate organizational challenges with confidence and strategic insight.

  • Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards

    The Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards professional certificate is a one-year, part-time, online non-credit program. After graduation from the program, you will be eligible for the Canadian College of Health Information Management Certified Terminology Standards Specialist (CTSS) credential.

  • Inclusive Leadership Strategies (ILS)

    The Inclusive Leadership Strategies program is designed to empower emerging and established leaders with essential competencies to effectively navigate and lead within diverse workplace environments. You will gain practical leadership skills to foster positive organizational cultures where everyone feels valued.

  • Indigenous Cultural Stewardship

    Weaving together a more respectful and inclusive cultural sector. This micro-credential provides the knowledge and skills to recognize, revitalize, protect and celebrate Indigenous cultural heritage. Make positive and sustainable change in the museum and heritage sector.

  • View from a canoe. The prow is visible as you look out over a calm lake to the tree-lined shore. Morning mist lightly hovers over the lake in bright morning sun.

    Indigenous Governance in Canada (IGC)

    This micro-certificate provides foundational knowledge on concepts, themes and topics needed to understand and appreciate Indigenous governance. This includes historical and contemporary challenges facing Indigenous Peoples, including the Indian Act and its impact on Indigenous governance.

  • Indigenous Language Documentation program image.

    Indigenous Language Documentation

    Documentation plays a key role in language reclamation. This new micro-credential will give you skills in audio/video recording and editing, working with archival materials, creating resources, and best practices for collecting and safeguarding Elders' voices and cultural knowledge.

  • Wooden doors with indigenous carvings

    Intellectual and Cultural Property Law

    Gain a deeper understanding of intellectual property laws, not only federally and provincially but with a focus on Indigenous intellectual property laws, customs and traditions. With a robust and interdisciplinary learning environment, our program integrates a unique perspective on legal principles and concepts.

  • LiDAR Fundamentals for Climate Change Risk Analysis

    This micro-credential program will equip students to use and analyze LiDAR data. Using remote sensing survey data via LiDAR, students will gain skills to analyze wildfire risk, mining, flood mapping, coastal zone conservation, agriculture, urban development, transportation and other industries.

  • Mapping with drones program image

    Mapping with Drones

    Do you want to take your connection to our planet to new heights? Capture detailed images from the sky for mapping landscapes and monitoring environmental change. Develop your analytical skills to identify real world features and structures in ways that allow you to provide detailed assessments of our planet. Soar to new perspectives with Mapping with Drones.

  • Post it notes for a marketing plan.

    Marketing Communication

    The Micro-certificate in Marketing Communication introduce learners to marketing theory and practices, communication planning and social media communications.

  • Map of pacific northwest

    Modern Border Management: (Im)migration and Mobility

    This micro-credential program will examine local and regional changes affecting the politics and policies of cross border regions and transboundary people.

  • Miniature paper ships on an atlas

    Modern Border Management: Law of Borders and Cross-Border Laws

    Navigate the complexities of border laws through a comprehensive exploration of diverse legal concepts.

  • Agent doing an inventory of cargo containers

    Modern Border Management: Trade and Customs

    This micro-credential program will explore how the regulatory environment of trading networks redesigns borders functionally and changes customs policies and practices.

  • Organizational Preparedness and Adaptability

    A six-week online program to help you become more proactive, rather than reactive, and to prepare your organization to withstand any crisis. Put the right plans in place to keep your organization moving forward.

  • Palliative Care Pharmacy

    This online program enables pharmacists to acquire the specialized knowledge to support palliative care patients and their families, as well as other members of the interprofessional team, in pain and symptom management, deprescribing, addressing adverse events, and use of opioids and cannabis.

  • Overhead drone shot of green landscape with patterned squares mapped out. Overlaid words, Climate action, Environmental Policy Design, Urban and Regional Planning to intimate a blueprint.

    Politics, Policy and Climate Actions (PPCA)

    This program provides insights into the policy and political contexts that shape climate action across scales from local to global, including relevant institutional and governance innovations. You will gain skills and strategies for engaging and overcoming stagnation and polarization—and develop strategies that are responsive to climate science—as well as the social and ecological impacts of climate change.

  • Population Health Data Analysis

    Every piece of data tells a story. This program will prepare you to tell that story. Learn a broad array of techniques to analyze and interpret health data through online discussions, assignments and practical data analysis applications. Each course introduces relevant analytical approaches and provides you with the knowledge and evaluative tools to discern how to apply them in practice.

  • Collage of industry photo cards to the left overlaid on a face looking right with blue sky in the background.

    Practical Leadership for Technology and Engineering (PLTE)

    This micro-credential program provides learners with the high-demand, leadership soft skills needed for effective communication, active listening, team-building, conflict resolution and feedback processes within an environment specific to engineering management, technology and geomatics.

  • Paper airplanes flying in many directions

    Professional Communication in the Workplace

    This program offers a holistic understanding of the real-world applications of AI in domains such as business, marketing, healthcare or finance, and addresses the built-in biases of AI development and deployment to ensure users are prepared to assess and critically engage with AI in the workplace.

  • Skill Building for Public Relations

    This program will give you job-ready skills for a public relations profession. You will explore the fundamentals including public relations writing, social media, communications planning, media relations, leadership and more.

  • Health professional helping serior

    Strategies and Actions for Independent Living (SAIL)

    This short, practical fall prevention micro-credential program is designed for home health care aides who provide day-to-day in-home care for frail older adults, to help their clients live independently and safely at home.

  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

    TEFL will provide you with the skills and confidence you need to teach with authority and find employment with a respected school. It will also prepare you to navigate the demands of a changing marketplace and the stresses of living and working in a new country.

  • Photo of a teaching and student

    Teaching English Language Learning

    As a K-12 teacher, you can now earn a Micro-certificate in Teaching English Language Learning by completing two online courses offered through Continuing Studies at UVic.

  • Artwork by Barbara Yelin

    Teaching the Holocaust

    This program is specifically designed for in-service and pre-service secondary school teachers preparing to integrate Holocaust education into their classrooms. It is also open to educators engaged in Holocaust education.

  • Birdseye view of a red kayak paddling off a rocky shore

    Tourism Sustainability

    This micro-certificate addresses the response to extreme weather events and the global need for climate change mitigation and adaption. The program aims to prepare learners with the tools and knowledge to navigate environmental challenges in the tourism sector.

  • Unity® Game Development Specialist

    Unity® Game Development Specialist

    This intensive 18-week micro-credential program provides learners with a robust foundation and the agility to rapidly cultivate expertise in crafting captivating content for virtual environments in the growing gaming and creative technology sector.

  • Visitor and Community Engagement

    Visitor and Community Engagement

    As a museum, heritage or cultural professional, you know that so much of your work is about making connections. This program brings focus and increased understanding to the skills and strategies needed to build and maintain relationships with diverse communities so organizations can better engage and serve their public⁠(s).

  • Young man sitting on ground in dark corner.

    Wound Care for Clients Experiencing Inequities

    Learn to apply the latest best practices in wound management in a context of harm reduction and trauma-informed care for clients experiencing inequities, including individuals living in high-risk environments, experiencing homelessness or using substances.

  • Wound Management for Health Professionals

    Proficient wound management is an ever-present challenge for professional health care clinicians. Chronic and acute wound prevention and treatment requires a strong foundation of theory combined with evidence-based practice. This online program for health care professionals combines the most current information and trends in wound care.

  • Coming soon: new programs

    We are working on a number of exciting new programs exploring the latest in a wide range of topics, taught in small-class and online learning environments. Join our email lists and we'll let you know once details become available.