Improve the sharing of patient information across systems.

If you work in the health industry and are involved with or have an interest in health terminologies, interoperable electronic health records, and clinical coding and classification, then this certificate is for you. The program is intended to meet national and international needs for best practices in controlled terminologies used in the health industry. The flexibility of this program allows you to maintain your own lifestyle while you learn valuable knowledge and skills. Acquiring this certificate will build your confidence so you can contribute to creating a better health care environment. 

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Program description

The Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards program is a one-year, part-time, online non-credit offering for those who work in the health industry and are involved with or have an interest in health terminologies, interoperable electronic health records, and clinical coding and classification.

The certificate is intended for those interested in learning about standards for health terminologies, health data sharing and interoperability. A background or experience in the fields of health or information technology would be an asset.

After graduation from the program, you are eligible for the Canadian College of Health Information Management Certified Terminology Standards Specialist (CTSS) credential. 

The program includes four courses offered through weekly online evening classes and a virtual workshop.

You must complete this program within five years of admission.

Image of a thumbtack on a calendar.

Information session

To learn more about the certificate program, we invite you to attend our upcoming info session on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at Noon PST / 3 pm EST 

Information session details

Program highlights

Calendar icon
1-year program

Computer icon
Weekly online evening classes and a virtual workshop

Network of people icon
Accessible to those without an undergraduate degree

Certificate icon
Eligible for specialist certification
Graduates are eligible for the Canadian College of Health Information Management Certified Terminology Standards Specialist (CTSS) credential

Explore career opportunities

Program outcomes

As a graduate of the program, you will:

  • acquire knowledge and skills in terminology and interoperability standards used in health care
  • acquire knowledge and skills in the adoption and management of CT standards in health care organizations, spanning the entire CT lifecycle
  • apply knowledge and skills in the role, adoption and implementation of interoperability standards in organizations/jurisdictions, with an emphasis on the appropriate use of CTs in the standards and solution development lifecycles
  • conduct a terminology-related field project under the supervision of a faculty member in order to demonstrate your competencies in the use of CTs in health care organizations

Who is this program for?

This program is for working professionals who are interested in learning about standards for health terminologies, health date sharing and interoperability. A background or experience in the fields of health or information technology would be an asset.

To further help answer who is this program for, we’ve identified three representative personalities that may be interested in taking this program:

  • Mia, The Healthcare Practitioner
  • Samantha, The IT Staff Member
  • Alex, The Clinical Documentation Analyst

Each of the three personalities is from a different background and yet their priorities, core beliefs, motivations, frustrations and needs are fitting illustrations of how the Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards program can help them. We are confident you will see yourself in Mia, Samantha or Alex and better understand how you can benefit from the program—not only to develop your career further but also to move your organization forward.

Here are snapshots of Mia, Samantha and Alex. Explore their backgrounds for more details:

Sample student: Mia

Mia, The Healthcare Practitioner, believes that consistent health terminology and standards reduce communication breakdowns and medical errors, which leads to improving health outcomes. Mia would like to help improve the consistent interpretation of digital healthcare data that nurses access every day. Get to know Mia, the Healthcare Practitioner

Sample student: Samantha

Samantha, The IT Staff Member, believes that having excellent technical and organizational skills helps her provide accurate and complete data to healthcare providers. A priority for Samantha is to comply with regulatory requirements to ensure accuracy and maintain patient confidentiality. She needs to stay up-to-date on the latest coding guidelines and regulations. Find out more about Samantha, the IT Staff Member

Sample Student: Alex

Alex, The Clinical Documentation Analyst, has a passion for using data to improve the health and well-being of others. Alex finds technological challenges that prevent accurate coding frustrating because it prevents him from being able to accurate and consistent documentation of patient encounters. Learn what motivates Alex, the Clinical Documentation Analyst.

Courses and fees

Health Information Standards (HINF535) is often the first course taken in the program. Field Project in Health Informatics (HINF597)  is the last course in the certificate program and must follow Health Information Standards (HINF535) and Controlled Terminology Standards (HINF536). Field Project in Health Informatics (HINF597) may be taken concurrently with Health Information Exchange Standards (HINF537).

When registering into a course, you will have the option to purchase the Micro-certificate in Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards fee at an additional cost of $20. You are only required to select this when registering for one of the four courses.

= Courses open for registration

Program planning

Students in the Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards micro-certificate professional stream must achieve a Grade Point of at least 5.0 (Grade B or 73-76%) for every course in which they are registered. Students with a course below a Grade Point of at least 5.0 (Grade B or 73-76%) will not be allowed to register for the next course until their academic performance has been reviewed by the Director, School of Health Information Science and the Health Terminology Standards and Interoperability Certificates Coordinator. Students without a Grade Point average of at least 5.0 (Grade B or 73-76%) for the micro-certificate may not be recommended for CHIMA certification. 

The four courses are offered across different terms. Please see the anticipated course schedule.

Graduation information

When you have completed the four required courses, please contact to receive your Micro-certificate in Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards. We will provide you with an electronic format.

Estimated fees

Description Fee
Program Fee $20.00
Application fee $150.00
HINF535: Health Information Standards $1,820.74
HINF536: Controlled Terminology Standards $1,820.74
HINF537: Health Information Exchange Standards $1,820.74
HINF597: Field Project in Health Informatics $1,820.74
Estimated Total $7,452.96*
Fees listed in this section are an estimate. Total program fees may vary depending on delivery format, course selections, student fees, textbooks and taxes.

Note: For international students, the cost is $2,079.37 per course.

Application information

Admission requirements

You are eligible to apply to the program if you are interested in learning about standards for health terminologies, health data sharing and interoperability. A background or experience in the fields of health or information technology would be an asset. 

You must have the equivalent of a minimum "B" average over the last two years of your most recent post-secondary degree/diploma.

Language proficiency

Most classes at UVic are taught in English.

You must provide proof that you are proficient in the English language to attend UVic.

You are exempt from this requirement if:

  • English is your primary language
  • you have spent the last three years before coming to UVic in an English-speaking country
  • you have a degree from a designated English-speaking country
  • you have a degree from a recognized institution at which the language of instruction is English

We accept three language tests as proof of language proficiency: TOEFL, IELTS or MET. Official test score reports must be sent directly to UVic by the testing agency. We cannot accept test scores more than two years old.

Minimum test scores

Note: individual departments may set a higher standard for minimum test scores.

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
    We require a minimum score of 90 from the internet-based TOEFL (IBT). You must also score at least 20 points each in the listening, speaking, reading and writing sections.
    UVic's TOEFL institution code is 0989.
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
    We require minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS. No individual component can have a score lower than 6.0. We will only accept results from the Academic IELTS.
  • MET (Michigan English Test)
    A score of 64 on the MET will be accepted as proof of English proficiency.

Note: you may submit unofficial test score reports as part of your application. If you submit unofficial test score results, your application will be reviewed and you may be offered program admission pending submission of official test score results.

How to apply

All students enrolled in micro-credential programs will automatically be opted-in to receiving a digital credential through Accredible upon completion of their program. Please visit our digital credentials page for more information.

To apply, you must complete an online application for the Micro-certificate in Health Terminology and Interoperability Standards. Click the "Apply Online" button below.

We will begin evaluating your file based on the unofficial documents you upload with your online application. If we offer you admission to a program, you must submit official documents to receive a final offer of admission.

How do I submit my documents?

You must upload your unofficial documents when you apply. Unofficial documents include:

  • unofficial transcripts from all institutions you have attended (including UVic)
  • a copy of your CV/resume
  • any other individual program requirements

After you complete the online application, you will receive a confirmation email.

If we make you an offer of admission, we need your final official transcripts. These should be sent directly to the Division of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria – Attn: Susy Torres. We will accept official transcripts sent by students or dropped off in person as long as they are in a sealed/endorsed envelope.

We will also accept transcripts electronically via a secure digital transcript service or emailed directly from the issuing institution (in PDF format) from a verifiable institutional email address. Electronic transcripts should be sent to


Unofficial transcripts

You must upload unofficial transcripts from all institutions which you have attended.

Unofficial transcripts include:

  • photocopies which have not been endorsed as true copies by the issuing institution
  • transcripts which have been opened or which arrive without a sealed envelope
  • transcripts which have not been endorsed by the issuing institution
  • transcripts received electronically from the student

Official transcripts

We cannot provide a full offer of admission without the required official documents. If we require official documents, they'll be listed in your program acceptance email.

Official transcripts and degree certificates are those which arrive in sealed envelopes. They must be endorsed by the home university (by signature, seal or chop over the closure).

Official transcripts and/or confirmation of degree can also be received electronically. To be considered official, documents must be received via a secure digital transcript service or emailed directly from the issuing institution (in PDF format) from a verifiable institutional email address.

Certified photocopies are acceptable if they are endorsed by the issuing university. They must be sent in a sealed, endorsed envelope.

Official documents will not be returned. They become the property of the University of Victoria. If your originals are irreplaceable, you should submit copies for evaluation purposes. You must be able to provide the originals for comparison. Do not send official documents until all of your course work is complete and your degree is conferred.


If your academic records are in a language other than English, they must be:

  • issued in their original language
  • accompanied by certified English translations

If the institution you attended cannot translate the documents into English, you must find a certified translator. They must provide us with translations and copies of the original documents. English translations must be literal translations of the original documents.

English translations of French language transcripts from Canadian institutions are not required.

Additional requirements for applications from Indian institutions

  • We require official copies of semester-wise statements of marks/marksheets for all years and a degree certificate. Official provisional certificates are acceptable if you graduated within the last three years and cannot obtain a degree certificate.
  • We must receive marks sheets and degrees directly from the university or institution that issued the degree. They cannot be from an affiliated college.
  • We do not accept consolidated or American-style mark sheets/transcripts, unless your institution does not provide semester-wise marksheets.

Additional requirements for applicants from Chinese institutions

We require an official transcript and a verified or certified copy of the official degree certificate. Degree certificates must indicate the date the degree was awarded.


Application dates

Starting in
September 2025
Accepting Applications
Apply by
June 1, 2025
Apply online Contact us for more info