composite image of a ripped strips of photos showing widlfires, satellite maps, cityscape, lush foliage, trees with bare branches depicting a conglomerate of issues in a metacrisis

Facing Human Wrongs: Leading in the Metacrisis

Part of: Depth Education Series

Course description

Facing Human Wrongs: Leading in the Metacrisis is a six-week long online course for people who want to expand their ability to lead in the face of complex challenges. The metacrisis poses a leadership challenge that requires the capacity to: act within the context of accelerated volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA); sit with discomfort without giving up or tuning out; hold a learning stance; and engage holistically with what is in front of us. This course is an invitation to reimagine leadership in the metacrisis, moving from the narrow concept of “leader” as a noun—an expert with all the answers—to the wider concept of leading as a practice.

This course explores the stories that have given rise to the dominant global culture and the engines that drive the metacrisis we face. It offers tools that can help us see our own leadership behaviours that perpetuate, rather than improve, our broken systems, and create deeper trust and understanding (allowing us to lead with greater integrity). This inquiry is designed to support you in the hard work needed to “unlearn” the stories that led to the metacrisis and experiment together with new ways of knowing, being and leading.

Learning objectives

Students who take this course will be supported to:

  • reflect critically on the root causes of the metacrisis and our historical and ongoing roles in its development and continuity
  • develop greater self-reflexivity and expand the emotional stamina to sit with uncertainty
  • identify and practice new ways of leading in the metacrisis with discernment, integrity and responsibility
  • build a reference library to support you, your community and your organization in addressing the complex challenges facing humanity


This is an asynchronous online course, meaning you'll engage with the content on your own schedule through UVic's online learning platform, Brightspace. The course is organized into weekly bundles.

This course has six facilitated optional online tutorial sessions. They will take place over Zoom on Saturdays from 8:30 to 10 am PST, starting on March 8, 2025. The Zoom sessions will be recorded, and you can watch the recordings if you are unable to attend.

Please note: March 3 is when course resources and instructions will become available on the Brightspace platform. The first Zoom session will follow on March 8, from 8:30 to 10 am PST. Live sessions will take place on Saturdays, from 8:30 to 10 am Pacific Time (find your time here). Specific dates are March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5 and 12.


Students are strongly encouraged to have engaged with the work of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective via the course Facing Human Wrongs and/or Sensing Harm by Design or reading Hospicing Modernity.

We ask you take this self-assessment questionnaire to further assist you in determining whether the course, Facing Human Wrongs: Leading in the Metacrisis, is suitable for your needs now.

Fee Structure

This course includes a sliding fee scale. When registering, please select the fee type that applies to you.

  1. Base fee: The base course fee is $650 CAD (with 50% of net proceeds redistributed to Indigenous-led projects in the Amazon and northeast of Brazil)
  2. Pay-it-forward fee: Please consider paying $975 CAD to contribute towards the participation of more people if you:
    • have the ability to comfortably meet all your basic needs and have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, social class or other forms of privilege
    • belong to a sponsoring organization, are employed full-time or work part-time by choice
    • own the home you live in, have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money, or have access to family money and resources in times of needs
    • travel recreationally
  1. Reduced fee: You can also choose the reduced fee ($325 CAD) if you:
    • have difficulty covering basic expenses for you and/or your family
    • have medical expenses not covered by insurance
    • are an elder with limited financial support

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{{ ::(fee.price | currency) }} {{ ::( | currency) }} {{ ::( | currency) }}
{{ ::(child.price | currency) }} {{ ::( | currency) }} {{ ::( | currency) }}
    Total {{ fee.totalFees | currency }}

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