Association of Administrative Professionals

The Association of Administrative Professionals (AAP) is a chartered, non-profit, Canadian association. They strive to provide administrative professionals the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive by encouraging all members to add to their individual competencies, advance their leadership skills, realize their value in the workplace and community, and have the confidence to excel in their careers.

AAP logo


The AAP offers the Canadian Certified Administrative Professional (CCAP) certificate and designation. The CCAP program is a certificate program for administrative professionals.

CCAP logo

In order to achieve the CCAP designation, candidates must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Be an AAP member for at least one year.
  2. Enroll in the CCAP program.
  3. Provide verification that you possess a minimum of two years’ work experience in an administrative role
  4. Provide verification that you also possess a good balance of the AAP core competencies, which are in the areas of business management, technology, leadership/organizational skills and communication/interpersonal skills.
  5. Complete seven courses at accredited universities and colleges across Canada, consisting of three compulsory courses and four elective courses. Members enrolled in the CCAP program may complete some or all of their requirements with Continuing Studies at UVic as follows:

AAP Courses

Continuing Studies Equivalent

Compulsory Courses
Business English BMBA110: Business Writing and Presentations
Organizational behaviour BMBA130: Organizational Behaviour
Supervision/management studies BMBA250: Management Practices
Elective Courses
Business or commercial law BMBA300: Business Law
Computer technology BMBA200: Management Computing
Economics BMBA230: Economics
Event management n/a
Financial accounting BMBA140: Financial Accounting
Human resources management BMBA150: Human Resource Management
Marketing BMBA240: Marketing
Project management TECH110: Project Management
Psychology n/a
Public relations n/a
Social media n/a
Website design/management n/a

CCAP Recertification

CCAP graduates must complete a certification renewal process every three years, based on a credits system. Credits are awarded by completing professional development programs, attending AAP meetings and events, working in the administrative profession, community involvement and more. A total of 40 certification renewal credits must be accumulated in the three year renewal period. For more information, visit CCAP's certification renewal webpage or contact the CCAP national coordinator at

AAP Contact

For more information on the Association of Administrative Professionals, how to become a member, where our branches are, the CCAP designation and more, visit the AAP website or send an email to