Home / Communication and Public Relations / Q&A with Allison Boyd – Public Relations Graduate
Allison Boyd is a recent graduate of the Public Relations diploma program. We asked her a few questions about her experience in the PR program here at Continuing Studies at UVic.
I thrive in variety and had been considering furthering my education for some time before circumstances lined up to make it possible. Earning a degree was my ultimate goal and the Public Relations Diploma Program was an important stepping stone in the process for me. After deciding on public relations and communication as a career option, I hoped to get an understanding of the communication industry to make sure that I was on the right career path.
I wanted to find a program that I could work at my own pace but that still had excellent resources and support. I completed much of my diploma while working full-time in a demanding career, yet I was able to manage my studies according to what worked best for me.
I investigated other programs, but none other came close in my considerations, the University of Victoria has a reputable program and even though it is offered online, I liked that I was studying locally.
The Public Relations Diploma Program taught me so much about the communication industry. While I had experience with event planning and social media, much was learned on the fly, so being able to complete the professional documents that go into strategic planning was valuable to me. I learned academic skills and the nuances of online teamwork that I have used to my advantage in my learning journey.
I struggled somewhat in the beginning but eventually learned how supportive the teachers are. Sherrell Steel in particular was so patient in assisting me to learn citations. I am now pleased to announce that I am an APA expert and this is in no small part due to her help. While it may not be surprising to some, I wish I had learned earlier to reach out for help and to build relationships with instructors. They are here to support our learning goals.
The Public Relations Diploma Program was invaluable to me in achieving my immediate goals. I was able to combine my professional and volunteer experience in communication along with my education at the University of Victoria to gain entrance into the Bachelor in Professional Communication program at Royal Roads University. I finished my last course in the Public Relations Diploma Program while starting my bachelor program which was demanding but very rewarding. The skills I learned in the Public Relations Diploma Program helped me to achieve excellent grades in my current program and I have been accepted into their Master of Arts in Professional Communication program starting in September 2021.
Do you love language? Like to try and find ways to explain things clearly for better understanding? Do you see an ad campaign and think how much better it would be if you wrote it? Do you read social media comments for fun? Then this program is the place for you! It took me from communication dabbler to professional and I am very grateful. Prospective students can reach out to me on LinkedIn if they have any questions.
RELATED TOPICS: Public Relations
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