Our program policies help ensure that we are able to offer the highest quality programs and the best experience possible for our students. Please read them carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
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Our program policies help ensure that we are able to offer the highest quality programs and the best experience possible for our students. Please read them carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
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To be accepted into the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program, candidates are required to have:
If English is not your first language, you will be asked for proof of proficiency in English before being admitted to a Data Analytics for Management Science course or program.
You will be asked to provide evidence of proficiency through one of the following:
Please note we will not accept tests taken more than two years prior to the date of your program application.
Please note that in rare circumstances we may request secondary verification of English proficiency prior to admission.
Need more English preparation? Take a look at our English Language Centre Programs. We have a number of online and in-person options to choose from.
Students applying to the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program who meet all academic requirements except for the English proficiency requirement, may apply for conditional admission.
We can offer you conditional admission to the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program if you take the English Language Centre’s (ELC) Intensive English program (ELPI) before you start the program.
Please review and follow the steps below:
For information on other external pathway partners, please email us at bstadvisor@uvic.ca.
All registered students must be 18 years or older by the end of their first term of study in the program, with no exceptions.
Students must apply by completing the online program application form for the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program by the deadlines indicated. Fully complete applications will be reviewed by our admission staff in the order in which they are received. In order for an application to be fully complete, students must also submit all required supplementary documents (e.g., transcripts, proof of English proficiency and other documents as requested). All supporting documents must be received within 30 days of the original application submission, or the application will be cancelled.
Application to the program does not guarantee acceptance into the program. If an application is denied, our admission staff will communicate the reason and any other options for moving forward.
The Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program has the right to edit or change application deadlines without notice, waitlist applications or close application deadlines. Acceptance into the program does not guarantee registration in individual courses. Some required program courses have limited space and it is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure they have registered for their courses in a timely manner. As such, applying early and registering for courses early is strongly encouraged.
If you are interested in completing a short micro-certificate within your Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program requirements (i.e. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, for example), a separate application is not required, however, one-time program fee of $20 must be selected at the time of course registration.
Please see the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program page for the application deadline for each starting term. We will continue to accept applications until the posted deadline, space permitting.
International students are encouraged to consider study permit processing times when selecting a starting term in their program application.
Application fees are due at the time of program application. Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program cannot review applications before receiving the non-refundable application fee.
The tuition deposit (if applicable) for international students is due within three weeks of acceptance into the program. When an applicant is offered a spot in the program, they will be sent a payment link to pay the tuition deposit. This amount will be held as a credit towards tuition fees and is not an additional cost. Applicants must pay the deposit to accept their spot in the program. Applicants will have three weeks for receipt of the tuition deposit. If the tuition deposit is not received by this time, the offer will expire and the application will be cancelled.
Remaining tuition and student service fees are due at, or prior to, course registration. View information about available payment options.
Course tuition and any required student fees are due at time of registration for each term of study. Please refer to the Important Dates page for registration opening and closing dates.
Student Service fees are mandatory each term for full-time, face-to-face study and includes: a bus pass, gym membership to the on-campus athletic facility CARSA, and UVic student society access. In addition, international students studying in Canada will be charged for Guard.me medical insurance until MSP coverage is in place.
More information for international students can be found through the UVic Continuing Studies International Student Fees and Health Insurance page.
The estimated fee totals listed on the program page for domestic students and international students are for the entire program. Tuition is paid term by term upon course registration. Applicable student fees are paid term by term upon registration. Tuition and other fees are subject to annual increases. Tuition fees for non DAMS elective courses are subject to differential tuition fees.
After submitting your completed application, the processing time will be approximately five to seven business days. Please note that during high volume periods, application processing times may vary. To check the status of your application, please email bstadvisor@uvic.ca.
All supporting documents must be received within 30 days of the original application submission or the application will be cancelled. A fully completed application form, along with all supporting documents is what our registration team defines as a "completed application." Only completed applications will be reviewed for admission by our staff.
The Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program reserves the right to make changes to program requirements, course fees, and/or schedules without notice.
Courses or programs may be cancelled without notice. If a course or program is cancelled, all tuition fees including applicable student services fees will be refunded. The application fee is non-refundable. The Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program reserves the right to establish special regulations for admission to programs at any time.
All requests to withdraw or transfer from a course must be submitted to the registration team at uvcsreg@uvic.ca or 250-472-4747.
The application fee, program deposit and deferral fee for the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program are non-refundable. Program deposits are refundable only in cases of study permit refusal.
For any changes that occur within Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), our refund policy remains the same.
A full course refund will be provided only if you withdraw or transfer from the course prior to the date indicated on the Important dates webpage. A refund (course tuition, less a $60 administrative fee) will be issued if you request to withdraw or transfer courses by the date indicated on the Important dates webpage.
Deadlines are firm and no refund will be available afterwards even if you are requesting to transfer to another course. Requests to transfer from one course section to another, or to withdraw from one course to another, are considered withdrawals and will adhere to the withdrawal deadlines noted on the Important dates webpage.
All requests to withdraw or transfer from a course should be directed toward the registration team at uvcsreg@uvic.ca or 250-472-4747.
Students who fail and/or do not actively participate in their courses (receiving multiple incomplete - "N", withdrawn - "W" and/or failing - "F" grades on their transcript) will receive written warnings and are at risk of being withdrawn from the program.
Students who have been withdrawn and who wish to continue their studies would need to re-apply to the program.
A program area may require a student to withdraw from a course if the student is registered in another course that occurs at the same time.
Full-time international students who are accepted into the program, but do not register for their courses by the program start date will be withdrawn. Re-application to the program including application fee and program deposit will be required.
If you are an international student and your visa application is denied by the Canadian Embassy and you wish to withdraw, we can refund tuition fees paid including the program deposit. In order to process the refund, students must provide a copy of the visa refusal from the Canadian Embassy by the start term. All requests for withdrawal must be received in writing to bstadvisor@uvic.ca.
Please note that refunds may be less due to any applicable currency exchange or banking fees.
To see our upcoming offerings and review the overall Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program course requirements, please view our anticipated course schedule. A different selection of courses are offered every term. Students register for courses according to program completion requirements and preferred electives. As such, not all students will complete all of the same courses. Early registration is strongly encouraged. Please note that some courses require pre-requisites, therefore early program planning is strongly advised.
We strongly advise early registration in courses as space and course selection cannot be guaranteed. Course registration open and close dates can be found on the Important dates page. All course tuition and student service fees are due at the time of course registration. The Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program will not hold seats in courses without payment.
Non-program students may register for individual courses and are not required to apply for the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program.
All international students in full-time programs who do not register in courses by the term start date, or new students who do not defer their acceptance to a future term of study, will be administratively withdrawn from the CBA/DBA program. Re-application to the program including application fee and program deposit will be required. Please note it is the responsibility of students to ensure they are meeting the requirements of their study and/or work permits.
If you have any questions or concerns about registration, course selection, or graduation requirements, please contact us.
Courses are offered in two delivery styles: face to face or online. Please note that not all courses are available online, and not all courses are available face to face.
Face to face |
Many courses are 12 weeks in duration and consist of one, three-hour class per week. Classes are primarily held on campus, and will be scheduled for a weekday, weekday evening, or weekend day times. Please note that course schedules may vary, depending on class format and location. |
Online |
Many program courses may be completed online, with or without live synchronous sessions. Students login to the course and communicate with the instructor and fellow students via the course management system Brightspace. All assignments and course activities will be submitted electronically to the course instructor. Students should ensure they review Brightspace Computer Requirements when registering for online courses. |
Intensive |
A limited selection of full-day, short (one, two, or six week) intensive face-to-face courses may also be offered each term. |
A different selection of courses are offered every term. To see our upcoming offerings, please view our anticipated course schedule.
Yes, you can complete the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program through exclusively online study. Please note that our courses are offered on a rotating basis each term. Students completing the program through exclusively online study may choose from a smaller pool of elective courses, depending on how quickly they wish to complete the program.
International students planning to apply for a Post Graduate Work Permit should refer to the IRCC Website for up to date information on online learning.
When you register for an online course, you will receive an email prior to the course start date that will instruct you on how to access your course and obtain the required materials. You will then login to the course and communicate with your instructor and fellow classmates via the course learning management system Brightspace. All assignments and course activities are submitted electronically to the instructor.
Most Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program courses incorporate synchronous instructional lectures that require you to be online at a specific day and time. Many online elective courses, specifically with a BMBA prefix are asynchronous and do not require you to be online at a particular time or on a particular day. Exams and assignments may require students to log in during a limited window of time. Please note the delivery style associated with each course, as a small number of distance courses will have synchronous or hybrid delivery, requiring live participation. All of our distance courses are paced and require adherence to the course schedule. Please see our Online Learning FAQ's for more details.
For further information about Brightspace, visit the Continuing Studies Guide to Accessing Your Online Courses.
A course exemption is only available to students in their last term of study and who require an additional elective course to be approved in lieu of one of the required courses in the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program.
A course exemption is limited to only one approved course and is approved only in exceptional circumstances. If you are in your final term of study and your last required course is either full or not scheduled, you may request a course exemption by completing the Course Exemption form.
Once processed and approved, students will receive a confirmation by email. If you have any questions, please contact the Data Analytics for Management Science Program Advisor.
A full course refund will be provided only if you withdraw or transfer from the course prior to the date indicated on the Important dates webpage. A refund (course tuition, less a $60 administrative fee) will be issued if you request to withdraw or transfer courses by the date indicated on the Important dates webpage.
Deadlines are firm and no refund will be available after even if you are requesting to transfer to another course. Requests to transfer from once course section to another, or to withdraw from one course to another, are considered withdrawals and will adhere to the withdrawal deadlines noted on the Important dates webpage.
All requests to withdraw or transfer from a course should be directed toward the registration team at uvcsreg@uvic.ca or 250-472-4747.
The university expects students to actively participate and attend all courses in which they are enrolled, including weekly participation in online courses.
Students are expected to inform instructors in advance of any class absences. If you need to miss a class for any reason, proactive communication with your instructors is essential.
Instructors may take attendance in class and assign a portion of the overall grade to attendance.
Students who are absent from more than one class due to illness, accident, or family affliction should notify their instructor. If illness, accident, or family affliction causes a student to miss an exam during the term, or to be late submitting a course assignment, the student should contact the instructor prior to the deadline to request a deferred exam or due date. Documentation from a health professional to support the request may be required.
Regular attendance and active participation in all face-to-face and online courses is expected. Students who do not attend class or connect to their course site without previous written communication and consent for absences may be assigned an "N" grade for the course.
Students who neglect their academic work, including assignments, may be refused permission to write the final examination or complete the final assignment in a course.
University policy allows an instructor to refuse a student admission to class because of lateness, misconduct, inattention, or failure to meet the responsibilities of the course.
For international students in full-time study
International students in full-time programs who are not actively participating in any course could be assigned a failing "N" grade, which means you are not studying full-time and may affect your temporary resident status in Canada and eligibility for future immigration programs. Students are responsible for ensuring they meet the requirements of their study and/or work permits.
All non-credit students must follow the Division of Continuing Studies academic regulations on standards of academic integrity for non-credit courses noted in the Policy on Academic Integrity. All allegations of academic integrity violations, including plagiarism, unauthorized use of an author, multiple submissions, cheating and aiding others to cheat, will be dealt with according to the University’s academic regulations.
If you have any questions about appropriate ways to acknowledge other people's work, please review the University of Victoria's Academic Integrity Resources and Plagiarism FAQs. If you have further questions, please contact your instructor or program staff.
Your grade indicates the level of success that you are having in class. At the Division of Continuing Studies, grades are given in percentages and we use the UVic Grading Schema as our grading scale. The only grades that are not given as a percentage are “N” for incomplete or “F” for fail.
An “N” grade is given where a student does not complete the course requirements, such as attending and participating in class, handing in assignments or writing exams, by the end of the term. An “F” grade is given when a student has completed course requirements, such as attending and participating in class, handing in assignments and writing exams, however the work submitted was inadequate to earn sufficient marks.
Students who receive “N” or “F” grades over multiple terms through their program are at risk of being withdrawn from the program entirely.
Students can request a formal review of their final grade by completing the Request for Grade Appeal form if they wish for clarification or are dissatisfied with their grade for an assignment or a course. Students must discuss the assigned grade with their instructor via email before requesting a formal review.
The Program Director will manage the appeal process, which may include discussion with the course instructor, a review by an external content specialist in the topic of the course, and a review of all written work assigned in the course or, in the case of online work, a review of student contributions to online course discussions.
The grade determined by means of a review will be recorded as the final official grade, regardless of whether it is the same as, or higher or lower than, the original grade. The decision of the Program Director is considered final, subject to an appeal to the Dean of Continuing Studies.
The grade appeal fee of $25 CAD will be charged upon receipt of request. The grade appeal request and $25 fee must be received within 21 days after the release of grades. Once the grade appeal request has been submitted and the fee charged, we will make every effort to complete the review within 21 days.
Students must provide the following documentation at the time of the request:
The Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program requires completion of twelve (12) courses in total (seven (7) required and five (5) elective courses). The full list of courses can be found on the program page in the "Courses and fees" section.
Convocation ceremonies take place at the University of Victoria twice per year, in June and in November. Students attending the ceremony in person will receive their parchment (certificate or diploma) during the ceremony. Parchments can also be shipped to a student’s preferred address.
In order to formally graduate you are required to complete an Application to Graduate. The graduation application fee is $40 per program, and you will be required to choose between Spring (June) and Fall (November) convocation.
The deadline to submit your application will be July 15 for November convocation and December 15 for June convocation. You are welcome to apply to graduate while your final courses are still in progress.
Following your successful application, the UVic Ceremonies & Special Events Office will contact you one to two months prior to your anticipated convocation date in order to confirm your attendance and any other important details. You can contact our office with questions regarding your status, however the certificate and diploma parchments are produced and held at the Office of the University Registrar.
Many required and elective courses are required courses within other short micro-credential programs. Students can complete any number of approved micro-certificates within their Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program. Students may not retroactively receive a micro-certificate if all courses are already completed.
Upcoming new international students who are unable to begin the program on their accepted program term start date can request a one-time deferral to a future term within one year.
Students requesting a deferral should submit a deferral request form by the deadlines noted below. We are unable to accommodate late deferral requests. Deferral deadlines:
Deferral requests are subject to approval and available seats. A deferral fee ($100) will be charged for approved deferrals, and there is a limit of one deferral per student, no exception. Students who have previously deferred their studies will not be permitted to defer repeatedly and, instead, will be required to re-apply to the program and pay a new application fee and program deposit.
If you are an international student and your visa is denied, the above will apply. If your visa is denied a second time, you will need to submit a new application with another deposit and application fee.
International students already in Canada cannot transfer fees between programs unless an emergency requires them to return home. In these cases, students must provide the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program team with a doctor’s note and proof of a return air ticket to their home country. This process is subject to an additional $100 transfer fee and must be approved by the Program Director.
A comprehensive medical insurance plan is one of the benefits provided to international students enrolled in full-time Business and Management programs, upon payment of the Student Services fee. This fee includes:
The cost of health care in Canada is very high for those who do not have health insurance. In order to ensure medical issues do not cause you financial difficulty, all Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program students are required to have comprehensive coverage for the duration of their studies. Family members who are with you in Canada should also have comprehensive coverage. You can purchase dependent coverage for them at an additional cost through guard.me directly. Further information can be found by visiting Medical coverage for international students.
British Columbia has a mandatory medical services plan (BC MSP) that provides health care coverage for people residing in the province. International students studying in BC for more than six months with a valid study permit must apply for BC MSP.
Rentals: most students seek rental housing, which can often be found on local Victoria classified websites. Additionally, the UVic Housing website has an off-campus housing resource page containing several resources for finding housing and connecting with potential roommates.
The UVic International Student Services website has additional information about off-campus housing.
Since the Victoria rental market is in high demand, it is a good idea to secure housing well in advance of your intended arrival.
UVic Dormitories: on-campus dormitories are generally limited to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in programs throughout the main campus, which does not include our Continuing Studies students.
Homestay: limited housing with local families may be available through the Continuing Studies Homestay program.
Students in the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program who wish to study full-time must take a minimum of three courses per term. In order to set yourself up for success with a manageable workload, we strongly suggest registering in no more than four courses per term. Upon Director approval, students may be able to register for five courses in a term.
Please note that our intensive programs have a set schedule and do not fall within the guidelines noted above.
No, the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program is not a post-graduate credentials. The program is designed for emerging or mid-career professionals to pursue relevant professional upgrading.
Our programs may qualify you to apply for a post-graduate work permit in Canada.
For more details on the most up to date PGWP eligibility requirements and PGWP validity, please visit the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.
Immigration policies are subject to change at any time; as such we cannot guarantee that students will receive a PGWP upon completion of these programs.
Full-time international students with valid study permits must meet certain conditions to maintain their legal status in Canada, including "actively pursuing your studies." However, we understand that sometimes you may be required to take some time off your studies for personal and/or health/medical reasons. Students who require a leave from their studies, for their upcoming or current term, must complete and submit the Leave request form.
Before applying, students are advised to review the IRCC website on what counts as Authorized Leave and Study Permit Conditions. The length of the leave of absence may affect your status as a student and your eligibility for the Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) after completing your program.
Note that domestic students and international students with permanent resident status are not required to submit a leave request.
Please visit this IRCC page for more information about working while studying in Canada.
International agents provide valuable student recruitment and support service for the Data Analytics for Management Science diploma program. We carefully screen, onboard and train these representatives, however students should be aware of the following:
The University of Victoria requires a student’s consent to release any information pertaining to the student record, or to conduct student-related business, with anyone other than the student. In order to release student information to another individual, students must email bmtadvisor@uvic.ca with their written permission.
Key Concepts |
Definition |
N |
An “N” grade is given where a student does not complete the course requirements, such as attending and participating in class, handing in assignments or writing exams, by the end of the term. |
F |
“F” grade is given when a student has completed course requirements, such as attending and participating in class, handing in assignments and writing exams, however the work submitted was inadequate to earn sufficient marks. |
Active Participation |
Refers to the consistent and meaningful engagement of students in the learning process in either a face-to-face or online class. In this includes regular attendance in classes (whether in person or virtually), contributing to discussions, completing assignments and assessments on time, actively engaging with course materials, peers and instructors. |
Attendance |
The university expects students to be present in all courses in which they are enrolled, including weekly participation in online courses. |
Absence |
Refers to the situation when a student is not present during a scheduled class session. Students should notify their instructor of any missed classes. Extended absences due to illness, accident, or family affliction may require medical documentation. |
Academic Accommodations |
Are adjustments designed to help reduce barriers for students, providing alternative ways to meet essential course or program requirements. While these accommodations offer support, it remains the student's responsibility to fulfill the core requirements of their academic program. |
Tel 250-472-4747 | Email uvcsreg@uvic.ca
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