Heritage Resource Management
Code: AHVS487A
Apply this course towards:
Cultural Resource Management
Course description
This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of heritage conservation. The concept of heritage has expanded to encompass historic districts, cultural landscapes and living heritage as well as buildings, structures and gardens. This expansion of the concept of heritage has had a profound impact on the principles that guide conservation actions, the types of strategies employed to safeguard historic places and the role of heritage practitioners.
This course introduces values-based conservation and the practices that flow from it. A broad range of case studies is used to illustrate key concepts, and the assignments provide the opportunity to apply ideas and concepts to real situations. Topics include:
- definitions of historic place
- authenticity and conservation
- links between heritage conservation and broader societal goals, such as sustainability
The course explores approaches to heritage evaluation, planning, interventions, interpretation and urban revitalization, and introduces the roles of governments, organizations and citizens.
Learning objectives
- Apply the principles of values-based conservation to the management of historic places.
- Engage in multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder processes to evaluate and conserve historic places.
- Take into consideration political, cultural and social dynamics when working with historic places.
- Play an active role in discussions regarding contemporary practices and new directions within the field of heritage resource management.
- All participants are encouraged to have a professional or voluntary role in a heritage or cultural organization, which may serve as their ‘partner organization’ for completion of course assignments. If you have any questions about your suitability for this course, please ask us how to contact the course instructor directly before the course start date.
- Regular access to a computer with a reliable internet connection.
- Regular access to a computer with a reliable internet connection.
- University-level research, writing and critical thinking skills.
Since joining the National Trust for Canada in 2006, Chris Wiebe has been the organizer of the annual National Trust Conference (with the Indigenous Heritage Circle & Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals) and has helped it become Canada's leading forum for professionals, practitioners, advocates, and volunteers working to save and revitalize heritage places.
In addition, he assists with the National Trust’s government relations, advocacy work, development of positions on heritage policies (particularly financial incentives), coordinates the National Roundtable on Heritage Education, and assists with the international Climate Heritage Network.
In recent years, he has led the development of reports unpacking building reuse as climate action and the systemic barriers holding it back in Canada, including Making Reuse the New Normal: Accelerating the Reuse and Retrofit of Canada’s Built Environment (PDF).
Chris holds Master of Arts degrees from Carleton University (Indigenous and Canadian Studies - Heritage Conservation) and the University of Alberta (English) and has written on heritage and culture for magazines like Policy Options, Canadian Geographic, and Municipal World. Chris been an instructor in the Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria since 2012, a member of the Willowbank School of Restoration Arts Advisory Council and the Central Experimental Farm Advisory Committee, and writes a monthly column on heritage matters for his Ottawa neighbourhood newspaper.
What participants are saying
“Great information on the heritage place management, learned a lot even though I have been in the heritage section for 6 years.”
“The course deepens in issues that are not only linked to the professional activities of preservation, but to issues that we are linked with as historic site visitors or as user of a historical center of the city we inhabit.”
“Interesting and timely content.”
“Good balance between abstract ideas and case studies."
"Very very interesting and motivating."
"It's a fun, interesting, informative and ideologically pragmatic course."
“[Instructor Chris Weibe] had very strong knowledge of real life applications of the course material and was able to relate the course content back to that" and his "work experience reflects his extensive knowledge of the subject of heritage.”
Online format using the learning management system (LMS), Brightspace, over a 14-week period, requiring approximately 12-14 rigorous hours of coursework per week.
Students login to the course and communicate with the instructor and fellow students via the Brightspace course site. This course follows an asynchronous delivery model.
This course will use online text-based notes and/or PowerPoint presentations, forum-based discussions, individual and individual assignments, and print and online readings/resources. In addition to completing assignments and activities, participants are expected to contribute meaningfully and frequently to forum-based discussions weekly. The mode of contact with the course instructor is via email or online forums.
Attendance, participation and decorum
Whether registered as a credit or non-credit participant, you will be expected to:
- login to the course website on a regular basis throughout each week
- participate in class activities, and thoughtfully and articulately contribute to course forum discussions by reflecting upon assigned readings and professional experiences
- submit course assignments on scheduled course deadline dates
- notify course instructors of any personal leaves throughout the term that will affect class participation well in advance
- notify the instructor of any situation that will compromise the timely submission of an assignment or activity to work out alternate arrangements well in advance of due date
- provide work throughout the course that is effectively organized and researched, professionally presented, and well-written
- interact with colleagues, program staff, and course instructors in a respectful and positive manner at all times
Note: if a student has not signed into the course site by the 100% tuition refund drop date, the Program Office reserves the right to withdraw the student from the course. Participation in online courses is mandatory and online interactions are the most important part of the course learning experience. As such, “catching up” at such a late date without prior approval—and make-up scheduling by the instructor and/or program—is impossible.
Privacy Considerations
In some cases, participants and the course instructor may discuss examples that reflect an actual situation, institution, or community. In order to create an environment where all feel free to discuss and learn from situational issues, it is asked that everyone respect the confidential nature of the institutions and communities being discussed.
While the site is password protected, note that email and course discussion forum groups are never entirely confidential and are subject to freedom of information and privacy legislation. Your use of these communication tools should reflect the public nature of the media.
We ask that you respect the copyright of any and all course materials and note that these are circulated and shared for the purposes of this course only. Further reproduction is strictly prohibited.
Personal information at the University is protected by the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the University’s Protection of Privacy Policy.
Disclosure of personal information to vendors, systems or services storing or accessing that information outside of Canada is restricted by s.30.1 of FIPPA.
Instructors may use a variety of educational technology in a course including internet-based technologies, or web-based applications, cloud services and social media. The use of technology is intended to enhance and/or deliver students’ education and is part of a students’ engagement at the University. Some of these technologies may collect, use, disclose, and store student and instructor personal information outside of Canada.
In some courses, instructors may require students to use educational technology and social media which stores personal information outside of Canada, in such cases, instructors will try to provide options (such as using an alias to register).
If students do not want their personal information stored or accessed outside of Canada, in certain rare instances, courses may not be available to them. If the course is required for the completion of a degree, alternatives will be provided.
Course Credit
1.5 units at UVic or may be taken on a non-credit basis.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have not already been admitted to UVic, you cannot take this course(s) for credit. Program Application Deadlines are as follows:
September entry: July 1
January entry: November 1
May entry: March 1
However, if you had applied to the program before the application deadline, you will be permitted to register in the course(s).
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