Documentation and Recording for Indigenous Language Reclamation

Code: LING183A
Apply this course towards: Indigenous Language Revitalization

Course description

This course is an examination of planning strategies, protocols and methods of data collection, analysis and organization appropriate for language documentation associated with language reclamation and revitalization. Topics include elicitation methodologies; audio and video recording; digital file management; strategies for community involvement, protocols, ethical and intellectual property issues.

Formerly part of LING 183. Credit will only be granted for one of LING 183A or LING 183.

How to register

Restricted to students registered in the Indigenous Language Documentation micro-credential program. 

October 16- November 23, 2023

Online synchronous zoom sessions, Mondays and Thursdays 4:00 pm- 6:00 pm (PST)

Instructor: Kyle Napier

Contact for more information.