Teaching, Learning and Development Course collections

Here you will find groups of courses that have a common topic. 

A stack of books on a table with an apple sitting on top. A containers of pencils sits beside the books.

October Teacher Pro-D Day

The University of Victoria is a great place for teachers to spend their professional development time. Join us on the province-wide October Pro-D Day for full and half-day workshop options that focus on relevant topics for teachers.

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French Immersion Teacher Pro-D

French Immersion teachers in BC face unique challenges. The French Immersion Teacher Professional Development series transforms practice through workshops dedicated to the unique needs of in-service immersion teachers.

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Grey scale image human heart with thousands of threads connected to it.

Depth Education Series

Developed with Continuing Studies at UVic and the GTDF collective, the Depth Education Series offers courses that build relational intelligence, accountability, and co-stewardship using the SMDR compass (sobriety, maturity, discernment, responsibility) to navigate global crises. These courses foster ethical, creative partnerships between humans, AI, and EI, equipping participants with practical tools to tackle today’s complex challenges.

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