Field Study in Ecological Restoration II
Code: ER312B
Apply this course towards:
Restoration of Natural Systems – Certificate,
Restoration of Natural Systems – Diploma
Course description
This is an advanced field study course involving ecosystem mapping and detailed site evaluation (prescription). The first two mornings will be spent in the classroom, but the course will largely be taught in the field at sites on Royal Roads/DND lands.
The course involves:
- identifying standard plant species cover
- creating physical site descriptions
- recognizing natural boundaries on air photos and on the ground
- identifying features related to slope stability
- recognizing critical clues to ecological processes that either limit or are critical to the functioning of an ecosystem (e.g. wildlife trees)
An important focus is to observe and recognize successional patterns as clues to restoration strategies.
Semi-distance format requiring attendance on campus for five days, plus readings/assignments to be completed before and after the on-campus portion of the course.
- Acceptance to the RNS program or a combination of work and/or education experience equivalent to third-year standing.
- Successful completion of ER312A or permission of the instructor.
If you’re not currently enrolled in the Restoration of Natural Systems (RNS) program, including UVic and Letter of Permission students from RRU and TRU, you must obtain approval from the Program Coordinator (ecorestoration@uvic.ca) before registering.
Tuition and fee payment
- RNS Diploma students pay $100 of the course tuition upon registration, with the remainder paid to UVic Tuition.
- RNS Certificate students pay the full course tuition upon registration.
To drop a course call 250-472-4747
Non-refundable fee policy
Course fees will be fully refundable if you withdraw a minimum of 10 business days* prior to the start date of a course. After that, a non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged in addition to the regular UVic fee reduction deadlines listed in the UVic Calendar https://web.uvic.ca/calendar/general/dates.html. This non-refundable fee policy will take effect January 1st, 2019.
*A business day is considered an official work day and does not include statutory holidays or weekends.
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