Russian - Level 1


Course description

This course will help you to discover introductory concepts of the Russian language such as the alphabet, pronunciation, intonation, formal/informal styles of communication, grammar, vocabulary, as well as how to make full sentences and ask questions. Through a communicative approach, you will actively learn basic Russian by using four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this engaging and practical course, you will participate in a wide variety of fun classroom activities, watch videos and learn about Russian culture.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • recite Cyrillic letters of Russian alphabet
  • understand the phonetic system of Russian voiced and voiceless, hard, and soft consonants
  • understand the concept of vowel reduction in Russian
  • apply the concept of stress in words and use 4 types of Russian intonation
  • distinguish between cursive and non-cursive writing
  • form statements /questions using animated/non-animated pronouns кто/что
  • understand and use the concept of noun gender (feminine, masculine, neuter) and plural/singular
  • recognize and distinguish formal and informal greetings (‘ты’ and ‘вы’)
  • introduce yourself (name, surname, occupation, origin, current city, friends, family members)
  • ask about one's name, surname, occupation, origin, current city
  • count from 0-100; read telephone numbers, postal codes and address'
  • list the days of the week, months, today’s date, and time
  • form sentences using simple negations
  • answer questions about spoken languages
  • conjugate verbs быть (to be), говорить (to speak), работать (work), жить (work), читать (read)

We encourage students to participate in our language courses more than one time in order to truly learn the material taught over 10 lessons. It also gives you additional exposure to varying activities within each topic.


Our online hybrid language courses make language learning flexible and convenient. The use of both synchronous and asynchronous delivery styles allows for both real-time virtual classroom conversation practice (synchronous delivery) and self-paced study (asynchronous delivery). The synchronous delivery style will occur during the scheduled class dates and time, using Zoom for videoconferencing, chat and screen sharing for class instruction and pair/group work. The asynchronous delivery style uses Brightspace, an online environment where learners can access class materials and resources for self-paced study throughout the week. Educational activities can include exercises, readings, forums, audio/video files, quizzes, etc.


World Language courses are offered three times per year:

  • September (registration opens in June)
  • January (registration opens in November)
  • April (registration opens in November)

Continuing Studies statement on use of educational technology

This course will require the use of Zoom and may use other education technology such as internet-based applications, cloud services, or social media. In order to complete this course you will be required to either consent to the disclosure of your personal information outside of Canada to enable use of these technologies, or work with the Division of Continuing Studies to explore other privacy protective options (such as using an alias or nickname).