French Language Conversation Classes - Level 4
Part of:
French Language Conversation Classes
Course description
This advanced course is intended to maintain and build your language skills for a broad variety of situations, such as nuancing an opinion, identifying features of different regional varieties of French and using various registers of French. It can be taken multiple times, as themes will vary from one term to the next.
Register for this course if you already know how to: express the relation of time between various events in the past, present and future, make hypotheses, express emotions, give advice, disagree with someone, use different registers in different contexts and identify various accents.
Learning objectives
Students in this level will practice language skills needed in most situations, including those covered in lower levels, but also:
- nuancing an opinion
- speaking about abstract topics
- expressing various emotions
- identifying and using various registers
- identifying features of different regional varieties of French
- discussing an article from a French language magazine
- using a variety of verbal forms to express anteriority, narration, description, hypotheses, etc.
You can register for this level if you already know how to do most of the following:
- use past, present and future tenses
- make hypotheses
- express various emotions (disappointment, empathy, surprise, etc.)
- give advice
- disagree with someone
- use different registers in different contexts
- identify accents from various parts of the Francophone world
Additional Information
This level can be taken as many times as desired. It is the most advanced level offered in this series, and topics covered will change from one session to the next.
French Language courses are offered three times per year:
- September (registration opens in June)
- January (registration opens in November)
- April (registration opens in November)
Registration details
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Continuing Studies statement on use of educational technology
This course may use education technology such as internet-based applications, cloud services, or social media. In order to complete this course you will be required to either consent to the disclosure of your personal information outside of Canada to enable use of these technologies, or work with the Division of Continuing Studies to explore other privacy protective options (such as using an alias or nickname).