Emergence is a phenomenon of observation and interpretation. In a complex system, emergent behaviour is the larger pattern or structure that arises from the interrelation of a system’s constituent parts: a flock of starlings, its murmuration. In this talk, emergence will be explored within the context of game design, the personal essay, and the mind.

Danielle Geller is a writer of personal essay and memoir. Her first book, Dog Flowers: A Memoir, an Archive (One World/Random House 2021), was a finalist for the BC and Yukon Book Prizes’s Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize and the Jim Deva Prize for Writing that Provokes. Her essays have appeared in Guernica, The Paris Review Daily, The New Yorker, and Brevity. She teaches creative writing at the University of Victoria and is a faculty mentor for the low-residency MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts. She is a citizen of the Navajo Nation.
Deans' Lecture Series
Research is continually reshaping the way we live and think. In these online talks you'll hear from distinguished members of the faculties at the University of Victoria and learn about their research interests.