TCA 210: Introduction to the Human Dimensions of Climate Change Examines a range of understandings of and approaches to addressing climate change, exploring: what kind of problem(s) it poses; what toolkits we need to develop to engage it effectively; how to collaborate across diverse understandings of and priorities in relation to it and what scales and kinds of actions should be prioritized.
Next offered: September, 2025 and January, 2026 (in person)
TCA 310: Transformative Change Introduces skills needed to support planning and decision-making about climate action under conditions of uncertainty, with particular attention to assessing sites for and implications of specific interventions. Emphasis placed on skills of risk analysis and anticipatory management, collaborative planning for diverse goals, and decision-making with sometimes contradictory and diverse forms of knowledge.
Next offered: September, 2025
TCA 320: Politics, Policies and Planning for Climate Action Uses British Columbia as a case study to introduce the policy and political contexts that shape climate action across scales from local to global, including relevant institutional and governance innovations. Emphasis placed on skills and strategies for engaging and overcoming stagnation and polarization; developing strategies that are responsive to climate science as well as social and ecological impacts, and effective communication.
Next offered: January, 2025
TCA 405: Allyship, Solidarity and Transforming Relations Focuses on theory and practices to help us build alliances powerful enough to transform systems. Settler colonialism and capitalism have damaged relationships with land and with each other. As we seek to build strong alliances towards climate justice, we need to be unlearning white supremacy, hierarchy and dominance and learning to build trust, reciprocity, and accountability.
Next offered: May, 2025
TCA 410: Indigenous-led Climate Action Explores Indigenous understandings of and responses to climate change, with a particular emphasis on developing skills for respectful and effective collaboration in support of Indigenous priorities.
TCA 415: Adaptation Planning and the Built Environment Focuses on skills and strategies for urban and regional planning in the context of a rapidly-changing climate, including appropriate use of downscaled climate models to guide adaptation planning.
Next offered: September, 2025
TCA 420: Water Futures: Collaborative Responses to Climate Impacts Explores how governance is evolving to address the impacts of climate change on freshwater regimes, including cycles of drought, fire, and floods, with a particular emphasis on collaborative governance.
Next offered: January, 2026
TCA 425: Organizing for Transformative Change Focuses on concepts, skills and practices for organizing transformational change, including strategic landscape analysis, effective communications and alliance-building strategies, and navigating cultural and institutional impediments to change.
Next offered: January, 2025
TCA 430: Future Ecosystems and Communities Focuses on the interface between communities and the ecosystems that support them, developing skills and approaches for designing mitigation and adaptation strategies that support mutual flourishing, including adaptive management, ecological restoration, and nature-based solutions.
Next offered: September, 2025
TCA 480: Special Topics in Transformative Climate Action Presents selected topics in an emerging field related to transformative climate action or one not covered in regular offerings.
TCA 490: Practicum in Transformative Climate Action An opportunity to apply evolving of transformative climate action skills to field-based practice through placement with an organization, community group, or service. Involves a minimum of 100 hours of professional practice activity.
Students may also choose from the following UVic elective courses:
- ADMN 330: Indigenous Governance in Canada
- ADMN 331: Governance for Planetary Health (online and in person)
- ADMN 462: Intergovernmental Relations in Canada (online)
- ECON 383: Climate Economics
- EOS/GEOG 130: Climate Change
- ENSH 306: Communicating for the Environment
- ES 378: Leadership Skills for Change
- ES 405: Climate, Energy and Politics
- ES 411: Environmental Solutions
- ES/EOS 365: Climate and Society
- ES 314/PHIL 333: Philosophy and the Environment
- GNDR 337: Climate Migration
- PHIL 390: Philosophy and Climate Change
- POLI 357: Canadian Environmental Politics
- PSYC 326: The Environmental Psychology of Places and the World
- SOCI 437: Issues in Environmental Sociology and Climate Change
Contact the program coordinator for more information on applying.