The Death Car: Exercise on Conjunctions and Transitions
The Death Car: Exercise on Conjunctions and Transitions
Follow the instructions to make a new sentence from the two sentences.
Type a new sentence in the box and click on "Check". When you are entering the answers to these questions, remember that you must type them accurately. Punctuation and capitalization must be exactly right. If you think there may be more than one correct answer for a question, don't worry -- several correct answers may be acceptable.
Make these two sentences into one using the conjunction "because":
The Harrisons were having a party.
Their daughter was getting engaged.
Join these two sentences into one using the transition "therefore":
The police issued a warning on the radio.
A dangerous man had escaped from hospital.
Link these two sentences using the transition "however":
Marie was worried about the killer.
Her husband was only worried about the car.
Link these sentences using the conjunction "so":
George went to find help.
The car broke down.
Link these sentences using the conjunction "since":
Marie could not walk in the rain.
Her clothes were not suitable.
Link these sentences using the conjunction "so that":
No-one could see her.
Marie hid under a blanket.
Link these sentences using the conjunction "as a result":