Andres Mendoza Romo


Which ELC program(s) did you attend?

I attended the Intensive English (ELPI) program.

What made your ELC program special?

The challenge of learning English in one of the most important universities in Canada, take classes with the best teachers, be immersed in Canadian culture, learn things from different countries and meet very talented, diligent and competitive people from all around the world.

If you could travel back in time, what part of your ELC experience would you re-visit? Why?

Heavens! Difficult to choose one, but I would love to re-live when I played my first soccer game on the field at the University of Victoria with people from all over the world because it seemed that I was playing in a Champions League game.

What is the most memorable thing that happened to you as an ELC student?

When I was chosen as Valedictorian Speaker and I had the honor to represent my country in the farewell dinner.

Do you have any favourite memories of Canadian culture?

I totally do! The kindness of the people of Canada is unique. They make you feel like one of their country.

How did learning with other students from other cultures change how you see the world?

Always speak from your heart, because when you speak from your heart people can understand you.

Did studying English with us open any new opportunities for you? What are you doing now?

Absolutely! Studying English at the ELC has allowed me to extend my professional networking and I have had better job prospects. Currently, I coordinate the International Project Zacatecas in the World. This project seeks to create international citizen networks and promote Mexico and Zacatecas (my hometown) around the world.

Is there anything else you would like to say about the ELC, UVic, or Victoria?

I would like to thank to the English Learning Centre at the University of Victoria for inviting me to be an ELC Expert and allowing me to share my experience as an ELC student.

As well, I would like to thank to my teachers, friends, cultural assistants, volunteers at the English Learning Centre staff and for sure my Canadian family for helping me to live the best experience of my life.

Best advice for new students

Don't think about it, just do it. Go and do your best, practice your English as much you can, listen to your teachers, enjoy the process, make a lot of friends, exalt the name of your country and create unforgettable moments.

Andres Mendoza Romo