Miss Bethany Couture



Bethany is a sustainable horticulturalist from Victoria, BC and runs her business Garden Alchemist, which designs landscapes abundant with edible, medicinal, and native plants. Through her studies, she realized there must be more sustainable ways to cultivate sustenance from the land. This led her down the path of permaculture which wove together her passions for horticulture, herbalism, mycology, self-sufficiency and environmental sustainability. She holds a Permaculture Design Certificate and Permaculture Teacher Certificate, is the permaculture instructor at the Pacific Horticulture College and is the lead steward of the permaculture garden at the Horticulture Center of the Pacific.

Some of her recent articles include: Encouraging a thriving, chemical-free garden and the importance of wildire-resilient gardens. 

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Miss Bethany Couture