Special Topics in Ecological Restoration: Climate Change in Ecological Restoration
Code: ER505
Apply this course towards:
Ecological Restoration
Course description
Climate change has many implications for how we conceptualize and practice ecological restoration. In this online course, you will explore how climate change can impact the direction of restoration activities through course activities and exploration of current literature.
Learning objectives
When you have finished the course, you will be able to:
- Give examples demonstrating the physical and biological effects of climate change on species and ecosystems
- Evaluate the use and efficacy of climate change tools (e.g. climate envelope models) in restoration planning
- Critically assess how climate change has impacted restoration theory and practice in the 21st century
- Critically analyze climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in restoration practise
- Demonstrate how restoration can be used to further our understanding of, and response to, climate change
Online Brightspace-based format over a 14-week period, requiring approximately 10 hours of coursework per week.
Acceptance into the Ecological Restoration Professional Specialization Certificate
Equivalent work and/or education experience is considered for non-program students. To request permission contact ecorestoration@uvic.ca.
Registration details
If you’re not currently enrolled in the Ecological Restoration program, you must obtain approval from the Program Coordinator (ecorestoration@uvic.ca) before registering.
Next offering
See the ER course schedule to see when the course will run next.
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