Each sentence has a Present Perfect Continuous verb. For each sentence, decide which kind of Present Perfect Continuous it is - an action that's been continuing until now, or a recent action for which you can see the present result.
Click on the button beside the correct answer.
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Let's stop. We've been driving for hours.
recent action with a present result
action past until now
They've been working hard all morning.
action past until now
recent action with a present result
Have you been running? You're breathing hard.
recent action with a present result
action past until now
She's been studying English for two years.
action from past until now
recent action with a present result
I've been saving my money for a new car.
recent action with a present result
action past until now
You're covered in paint. Have you been painting?
recent action with a present result
action from past until now
The street's wet - I think it's been raining.
action past until now
recent action with a present result
I think he's been drinking - he seems drunk.
recent action with a present result
action past until now
She's been going out with a guy from the ministry.
action past until now
recent action with a present result
The national debt has been increasing steadily for the last three years.
recent action with a present result
action past until now
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