Prepositions of Time — in, an, on 1

Prepositions of Time — in, an, on 1

Choose the correct answer for each sentence.

Click on the button beside the correct answer.

  1. My dad gets paid ____ the end of the month.
    1.   at
    2.   on
    3.   in
  2. Our taxes will increase by 2% ____ January.
    1.   at
    2.   in
    3.   at
  3. We often walk the dogs in the park ____ Sundays.
    1.   at
    2.   in
    3.   on
  4. In many countries, there are a lot of parties ____ New Year's Eve
    1.   in
    2.   on
    3.   at
  5. The class starts ____ September 6th and ends ____ December 7th.
    1.   in, in
    2.   on, on
    3.   in, on
    4.   on, at
  6. Maya said that she might not be home ____ the morning, but she will be home ____ the afternoon.
    1.   at, in
    2.   in, in
    3.   at, at
  7. The book was so interesting that I read it ____ a day.
    1.   in
    2.   at
    3.   on
  8. Gabriel and I always go out to a movie ____ our wedding anniversary.
    1.   in
    2.   at
    3.   on
  9. Chris sees his family once a year, usually ____ Christmas.
    1.   at
    2.   in
    3.   on
  10. Gabriel got married ____ 50, which is older than the average man.
    1.   in
    2.   at
    3.   on