Count and Non-Count Nouns

This lesson and the exercise use food vocabulary. Learn food vocabulary in the Level 200 Vocabulary topics.

Countable Nouns

Some words take an ‘s’ when you talk about more than one. These words are called count or countable nouns.


1 apple  apple

2 apples appleapple

Uncountable Nouns (Non-Count)

Other words do not take an ‘s’ when you talk about more than one. These words are called non-count or uncountable nouns.


1 piece of cheese   piece of cheese

2 pieces of cheese piece of cheesepiece of cheese

The word “food” is a non-count noun.


I like food.

I like some food for breakfast.

I like a lot of food for dinner.

When you are sure that you understand the lesson, you can continue with the exercise.