Hi everyone, my name is Rilana and I am currently an intern at the English Language Centre! I've been in Victoria for about 6 weeks and am really enjoying it. Here are some of the biggest differences I noticed so far about living in Canada.

  1. Everything is GREEN: Before I came here I thought Germany is a pretty ‘green’ country where things get recycled and we try to not have a tonne of waste. Well, Germany can learn a lot from Canadian’s ‘green’ mind. Everyone I know here is really careful to not have a lot of waste, recycle everything and just be aware of it. Finnerty Coffee at UVic tries to get rid of all their paper cups and gives you a discount if you bring your own cup.
  2. Friendliest FRIENDS: I heard that Canadians are really friendly and kind. But if I am honest, they are even more than that. I feel like in Canada everyone is really friendly and tries to help you out. They are genuinely interested in getting to know you and your culture. I never felt like I am not welcome or that people give me a weird look when I tell them that I am from Germany. I have actually never talked to someone who was not friendly or grumpy towards me.
  3. Thinking with an OPEN MIND: In Germany, opinions crash into each other fairly easily and people don’t always except others’ mind set. But here in Canada, everyone is very open and tolerates other opinions.  Not only that but their mind set as a whole country is so far ahead compared to others. Having legal same-sex marriage since 2005 is extraordinary and a role model for everyone.
  4. Nature is EVERYWHERE: It does not matter if it is a beach, a mountain or just a patch of greenery: Nature is everywhere in Canada – and they enjoy every little piece of it. While in Germany most people just want to sleep in on the weekend, here they voluntarily get up early to go on a hike! If it is Whistler, Banff or just our Mt. Doug – nature is a big part of Canadian culture.
  5. “Canada is nice, EH?”: This is probably the biggest cliché but it is a real thing and it makes so much sense! “Eh” is a shorter version of saying “right” or “isn’t it” at the end of sentence. It’s just quick and easy. If you are new here and don’t know it (I certainly didn’t) you’ll get it fast.

These are some things I noticed after being in Canada for just over one month. And I am sure I’ll learn even more. Maybe some points are just little things to you, but these little things are what makes it so interesting and shapes a culture in each country.

  • Posted June 29, 2016

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