Mariana Monteiro


Which ELC program(s) did you attend?

I attended the Monthly English program.

What made your ELC program special?

It was always a dream for me to go to Canada. It was my first trip abroad so I was very excited to realize my dream in this special way. Everybody was so receptive and kind, both friends and teachers, and it made me feel like home. It was the most special moment in my life.

If you could travel back in time, what part of your ELC experience would you re-visit? Why?

I would like to re-visit the campus tour because it felt like I was in a dream. I couldn’t believe that I was actually living that. Every place that I saw made my eyes glow.

What is the most memorable thing that happened to you as an ELC student?

The most memorable thing was the day of my birthday. My ELC friends made a surprise cake to celebrate and sang “Happy Birthday”. I felt very special and it was really memorable to me.

Before starting your ELC program, what part of learning English was most difficult for you? How did your ELC studies help with that?

The most difficult part for me was speaking. I really enjoyed the ELC because I was able to talk with the monitors and the volunteers and I knew I wouldn’t be judged. It helped me a lot and made me improve my English.

Do you have any favourite memories of Canadian culture?

I really love the Canadian kindness and disposition to help you. These are things that we don’t see very much so it impressed me very much. I remember I had the feeling that I had chosen the right place to go.

What advice would you give another student who’s thinking about taking an ELC program?

I would say that is a wonderful town and that the ELC is awesome. It’s so much more than just a place that you would go to learn English, it’s a place that make you grow up as a person and gives you very special experiences.


Mariana Monteiro