We recently caught up with Hiranand Chawla, a student in our Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) program. We were interested to learn more about his experience in the program.


Why were you interested in taking the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) program? What were you hoping to get from it?

The idea of learning data analysis first popped into my head in 2017 but I never dared to even put it into consideration. When I started my Diploma in Business Administration program at UVic, I realised that now is the time to learn unconventional subjects and explore it.

Through the BIDA courses, I was hoping to get the fundamentals clear and it's turned out to be a fabulous choice for aligning with my career road map.


When initially considering taking a course or program, what were the key factors that were important to you?

Key considerations included what I wanted to do in my career 5 years down the line. Data is the future—how I can transition in the Data Analysis industry from Marketing and Ecommerce Background? 


Why did you decide to register in BIDA courses vs. others offered elsewhere?

Honestly, one fine day in November 2019, I was going through the course content pages and the BIDA course offerings caught my eye and instantly I decided to pursue them. I didn't even think to compare elsewhere because the knowledge I wanted was perfectly blended here. 


What did you enjoy or appreciate most about the BIDA courses?

The content and straightforward format of getting started with the Business Intelligence and Data Analysis program. It was so smooth that all of my worries disappeared in attending the first classroom session.


What most surprised you about the BIDA program?

Indeed, learning the coding language. Absolutely, surprising because I know that I'm very bad at learning codes as I come from a non-technology background. However, I was amazed to see how soon and quickly I understood the fundamentals required to code in R language.


How has BIDA courses helped you achieve your goals?

My goal of learning structural methods of doing Business and Data Analysis in the professional arena is achieved. These three courses have given me a structured analysis format compared to my previous unstructured way of approach in a business environment.


Who would you recommend the BIDA program to? Who do you think would benefit from taking these courses?

Most of my colleagues and surely to people who wants to explore the Data Analysis industry.


In light of the current global pandemic, why do you think a program like this is relevant in your life/field of study/job market?

I believe Data is the future, trillions of pieces of data are produced every day and to deal with it, we need to learn how to use it according to business needs. Definitely, these courses are going to be my backbone in e-commerce job responsibilities as well. 


On a personal level, what do you feel like you got out of taking this course?

Amazed to know how accessible and beneficial Tableau is. Also coding in R language was a good learning exposure. Indeed, these two would be my take away from BIDA courses.


In a changing world, how do you feel this program equips you for future success?

As mentioned earlier, learning Data analysis is a great kick-starter for any career to deep dive in providing business decisions as a manager, whether you work for the Hospitality industry or Big Data firms. 

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA)


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  • Posted April 7, 2021