Study and work permits

It is important to note that the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) policies are subject to change without notice. Please review the IRCC website regularly for the most up to date information.

You may also be interested in viewing the presentation slides from our recent Post-Graduation Work Permit Information Session.

Last updated Feb. 22, 2021

Yes, the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria (UVic) falls under the same DLI number as UVic.

Yes. Applying for a study permit for a short-term program can be beneficial if you decide you want to study in a longer program once you are in Canada. If you apply for a study permit when studying in a program of less than 6 months, you should include a letter with your application to explain why you want a study permit.

The CBA and DBA programs both satisfy the academic requirements for application for the PGWP, and previously, students in these programs have successfully applied for and received approval for a PGWP. Immigration policies are subject to change; as such, we cannot guarantee that students will receive a PGWP upon completion of these program. Students should continue to monitor the IRCC web page for updates on PGWP.

As indicated on the IRCC website, students who are studying in a program that is 2 years or more, may be eligible for a PGWP valid up to 3 years. If your program is more than 8 months, but less than 2 years, you may be issued a PGWP that is valid for the length of your study program.

The PGWP is only available to students once in their lifetime. Students may apply for the PGWP after they have successfully completed their program of study and they receive their final grades. 

The processing time for PGWP varies based on the number of applications they have received. 

You may be eligible to work full-time until a decision is made on your work permit application if a) you had a valid study permit when you submitted your application and completed your program of study and b) if you were eligible to work off-campus while you were studying and you didn't work more hours than permitted.

The Division of Continuing Studies deems full-time status for non-credit certificate and diploma programs as studying a minimum of 3 courses per term. Each course must be a minimum of 36-39 instructional hours.

Please consult the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's (IRCC) website for the latest immigration information and special, temporary policy measures related to COVID-19, including travelling to Canada restrictions, study permit application and PGWP eligibility information.

If you have questions that were not addressed above, please contact our Regulated International Students Immigration Advisor (RISIA), Katie McDonald, at